Renovations to Hemenway Hall and Hemenway Annex provided new, contemporary teaching spaces such as the computer classroom, large flex classroom, and Nursing evaluation lab.

Framingham State University
Science Complex Addition and Renovation
Framingham, Massachusetts
57,000 gsf new
100,000 gsf renovation
Feasibility Study
Lab Planning
LEED Silver
Honor Award for Accessible Design, Boston Society of Architects and Massachusetts Architectural Access Board
Ellenzweig collaborated with Framingham State University and the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance in completing an eight-year study/design/construction project to expand and upgrade the University’s science facilities located in Hemenway Hall, constructed in 1963, and the Hemenway Annex, added in 1974. The multi-phased project resulted in a unified science complex that provides teaching labs, research labs, a variety of classrooms and learning venues, social and interaction spaces, offices, and meeting rooms for 14 departments, including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Geography, Nursing, Child Development, and Psychology.