University of Vermont

STEM Complex

Burlington, Vermont

194,000 gsf new
24,000 gsf renovation

Lab Planning

Design Architect and Lab Planner

Freeman French Freeman
Architect of Record

LEED Silver

The STEM Complex unites a variety of science and engineering disciplines in three interconnected buildings that support interdisciplinary teaching, learning, and research with open and interactive laboratories. The multi-phased project consisted of a new teaching and research building (Discovery Hall); a classroom and office building (Innovation Hall); and renovations to Votey Hall of Engineering.

Sited in the heart of the University’s historic campus, the complex complements the traditional aesthetic of neighboring buildings. A new outdoor courtyard provides space for outdoor seating and gathering, as well as a terraced outdoor classroom benefiting from the gentle slope west of the courtyard.

Ample break-out spaces for collaboration and interaction throughout the complex, along with glass-walled labs and classrooms showcase science in action.

The complex includes fully integrated research and teaching laboratories, lab support, classrooms, meeting and student spaces, and offices for Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Psychology.

I would say that the largest change in the research and teaching environments, overall, is that they are substantially more collaborative and interactive. Right away, everyone in the department noted that the new building made the department feel like one large team instead of many small kingdoms.

Christopher Landry, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry

University of Vermont