University of Vermont

Votey Hall Engineering Building Renovations

Burlington, VT

24,000 GSF

Lab Planning

Design Architect and Lab Planner

Freeman French Freeman
Architect of Record.


Ellenzweig provided programming, lab planning, and architectural design of renovations to the Votey Hall Engineering Building to serve the University of Vermont, College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences.

Built in 1962, Votey Hall required phased infrastructure upgrades, and replacement of building HVAC and control systems to support the modernization of the engineering laboratories. The project provided renovations to teaching and research engineering laboratories, lab support, classrooms, meeting and student space, and offices. A new bridge connects Votey Hall’s third floor to the new science building now in design by the same project team, creating a new STEM complex which  integrates science and engineering disciplines in one central campus location.

Sited in the heart of the University’s historic campus, the renovation respectfully complements the traditional aesthetic of its neighbors. A new outdoor courtyard provides space for outdoor seating and gathering, as well as a terraced outdoor “classroom” benefiting from the gentle slope west of the courtyard.